On April 18th, the "Facilitation Measures for Foreigners Working and Living in Hainan" press conference was held at the Hainan Provincial Press Conference Hall. According to information obtained at the conference, the Provincial Public Security Department, in conjunction with relevant units, comprehensively reviewed the issues encountered by foreigners in Hainan regarding work, life, study, and tourism. Together with 14 other units, they introduced 16 facilitation measures to support the high-level opening and high-quality development of the Hainan Free Trade Port.


These 16 measures cover various aspects including entry-exit clearance, residence, service guidelines, communication services, payment services, medical treatment, legal services, tax declaration, social security participation, professional qualifications, investment, and business development.


1、Providing visa and permit services at nearby locations. Foreigners residing or staying in Hainan can choose any public security immigration authority in our province with visa processing authority to apply for various types of visas and permits. 提供就近办理签证证件服务。停(居)留地为我省的外籍人员可就近选择我省任一有签证证件受理权限的公安机关出入境管理机构申请办理各类签证证件。

2、Providing online accommodation registration services. Foreigners themselves or their hosts can use their mobile phones to scan QR codes and complete accommodation registration online. 提供网上申报住宿登记服务。外籍人员本人或其留宿人可使用手机扫描二维码在网上自助办理住宿登记。

3、Providing expedited visa and permit services. Foreigners who need to urgently apply for visas and permits due to emergency reasons such as attending meetings, signing contracts, receiving medical treatment for severe illnesses, or visiting critically ill patients can call the 12367 service hotline. Public security immigration authorities with visa processing authority will provide expedited services for foreigners with the aforementioned urgent needs. 提供加急办理签证证件服务。因紧急参加会议、签订合同、治疗重症、探望危重病人等紧急事由需要加急申办签证证件的外籍人员,可拨打12367服务热线,有签证证件受理权限的公安机关出入境管理机构为有上述紧急事由的外籍人员提供加急办证服务。

4、Providing "one-stop" services for work permits and work-related residence permits. Foreigners can simultaneously apply for and receive work permits and work-related residence permits at a single window for visa processing, with the validity periods of both permits tending to be consistent. 提供工作许可和工作类居留许可“一窗通办,同时发证”服务。外籍人员在一个签证证件办理窗口可以同时申请和领取工作许可和工作类居留许可,且两种证件有效期限趋于一致。

5、Providing convenience for entry and exit clearance. Special immigration channels will be opened for foreigners participating in important conferences, major events, exhibitions, and other activities in Hainan, facilitating entry and exit clearance. 提供入出境通关便利。对来海南参加重要会议、重大赛事、会展等活动的外籍人员,开设边检专用通道,提供入出境通关便利。

6、Providing "Hainan Reassurance Pay" services. Foreigners holding overseas bank cards can make NFC payments via their mobile phones in the taxi industry pilot program in Sanya. 提供“海南放心付”服务。在三亚市出租车行业试点实施外籍人员持境外银行卡,可手机上通过NFC挥卡支付。

7、Improving the acceptance environment for bank cards and optimizing cash service supply. Banking institutions and payment organizations will deploy POS terminals capable of accepting foreign cards in key areas such as major commercial districts, tourist attractions, resorts, cultural and educational venues, entertainment venues, transportation hubs, hotels, and hospitals, meeting the needs of overseas visitors to use cards and RMB cash. 改善银行卡受理环境和优化现金服务供给。组织银行机构和支付机构在重要商圈、旅游景区、度假区、文博场馆、文娱场所、交通枢纽、酒店、医院等重点场景布放可受理外卡的POS终端,满足境外来琼人员刷卡及使用人民币现金的需求。

8、Providing services for obtaining "short-term phone cards." Foreigners can obtain phone cards with validity periods of 7 days, 15 days, and 30 days at designated service centers, which will automatically expire upon expiration. 提供办理“短期电话卡”服务。外籍人员可在指定的营业厅办理有效期7天、15天和30天的电话卡,到期自动失效。

9、Providing online tax filing services. Foreigners can log in to the official website of the Hainan Provincial Taxation Bureau to inquire about and obtain their personal income tax payment records in our province. 提供网上办税服务。外籍人员登录海南省税务局官方网站,可查询、开具本人在我省缴纳的个人所得税纳税记录。

10、Providing online social security services for foreign legal entities. 为外籍法人单位提供网上办理社保服务。

11、Establishing international outpatient services for foreigners to seek medical treatment. Foreigners can make appointments for medical treatment at 31 medical institutions with international outpatient services in 18 cities and counties across the province through telephone booking, online booking, or on-site booking. 开设国际门诊便利外籍人员就医。外籍人员可通过电话预约、网上预约或现场预约等多种方式,在全省18个市县31家开设国际门诊的医疗机构就医。

12、Opening up overseas professional qualifications to facilitate foreign professionals' employment and entrepreneurship in the Hainan Free Trade Port. 开放境外职业资格,为外国专业人才在海南自由贸易港就业创业创造便利条件。

13、Establishing a talent pool of foreign-related lawyers in Hainan Province. 建立海南省涉外律师人才库。

14、Setting up an English-language international service zone on the Haiyi App. 在海易办App设立英文版国际服务专区。

15、Issuing the "Service Handbook for Foreigners in Hainan" to provide comprehensive practical service information and service guidelines. 发放《外籍人士在琼服务手册》,提供“一站式”实用性服务资讯和办事指南。

16、Establishing the Enterprise Navigate Free Trade Port - Invest in Hainan service platform. The platform has Chinese and English interfaces and is staffed with service officers proficient in English, Russian, German, French, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, and other foreign languages. 建立企航自贸港-投资海南服务平台。平台设立中英文版界面并设有英语、俄语、德语、法语、日语、意大利语、西班牙语等外语服务官。

From: Haikou Daily

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