Testimonials from former teachers

Darcy Baird
British, Teaching in Changchun
Making the decision to come to China to teach was a good one. I knew that I wanted to have the experience of traveling to a new country and to experience the culture, learn the language, and to teach at a University. I was scared, at first, but I built confidence with the support of Elite RE in China. It has been an even greater experience than I had hoped.
Tiffany Tasha
American, Working in Shanghai

“I know… Working in China can be difficult, especially when there are many factors that you will need to consider. However, you won’t need to face them alone with ELITE’s help.”

I’ve been in contact with ELITE since the beginning of 2019. I had many concerns and worries, especially there were a lot of negative things that I’ve heard about living in China. But I had strong aspirations of living and working in China, due to my background. I’ve always dreamt of working in a different country and if there were any opportunities, I didn’t want to pass on any of them. So, I voiced many of my concerns and questions to the staff members of ELITE, and I was very surprised of how professional and consistent they were. They answered (to the best of their abilities since they are Chinese), and slowly I was able to get a better picture of how my life would be living in China.

David Robert
Canadian, Working in Zhengzhou

One of the main worries I had was about my visa. I had some speculations of how the process is, but it sometimes can get very confusing. Nonetheless, ELITE was very supportive and helpful when it came to explaining to me what I needed to have filled out and what documents I needed in order to receive a visa.

Currently, I’m residing and working in a city called Zhengzhou, located in the province of Henan. The closest major city would be Shanghai and that’s a 5-hour high-speed train ride. Even though I don’t live in one of the bigger cities in China, there are many different types of transportation (like buses and subways) available that I’m able to travel to lots of places around the area. Not to mention, there are many foreign stores that are recognized all over the world available close by to where I am staying. Moreover, the people are very friendly and kind that they sometimes try to communicate with you in English.

ELITE not only helps you with finding a job that you want, but they want to make sure that you are able to settle down where you are.

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