To facilitate foreign business expatriates working and living in China, the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, in collaboration with relevant departments, has compiled A Guide to Working and Living in China as Business Expatriates (2024 Edition) . It includes four parts, Notes, Daily Life Services, Services for Stay and Residence in China, and Relevant Services for Work in China, covering matters such as residence registration, SIM card, bank card, residence permit, work permit, social insurance, mobile payment, transportation, payment of individual income tax, and etc.


Residence Registration 住宿登记

(1) For foreigners staying in a hotel, residence registration can be handled by the hotel. Foreigners can register residence by presenting a valid passport or other international travel documents at the hotel reception.

(2) Foreigners, who stay elsewhere, need to  register residence at the local police station within 24 hours after arrival. Foreigners can register your residence at the local police station by presenting a valid passport or other international travel documents, along with the rental contract or immovable property rights certificate.

(1) 若入住酒店,可由酒店办理。持有效护照或其他国际旅行证件在酒店前台办理。

(2) 若入住其他地方,须在24小时内向居住地派出所报到登记。携带有效护照或其他国际旅行证件、租房合同或房产证到居住地派出所办理。

Visa Attentions 签证注意事项

(1) Validity period of visa. Foreigners, who enter China with a visa and plan to work and live in China, need to apply for a residence permit within 30 days from the date of entry according to relevant requirements. If an extension of the duration of stay specified in the visa is required, the application should be submitted to the exit and entry administration authority of the public security organ of the local people's government at or above the county level in the place of residence, at least 7 days before the expiration of the duration of stay specified in the visa, with the relevant materials relating to the purpose of the application.

(2) Validity period of residence permit. Foreigners, who need to stay in China after the expiration of residence permits, shall apply for an extension 30 days before the expiration. Foreigners, who hold a valid residence permit and have changed passport or had other items on the residence permit changed, shall apply to the exit and entry administration authority of the public security organ for information change within 10 days from the date the changes occur.

(3) Validity period of work permit.

❶ Foreigners working within China should obtain a work permit. Those who work in China for no more than 90 days shall apply for a Z visa from the Chinese embassy (consulate) with the Notification Letter for Foreigner's Work Permit, and work in China within the time indicated on the visa. Those who work in China more than 90 days shall apply for a Z visa from the Chinese embassy (consulate) with  the Notification Letter for Foreigner's Work Permit, and apply to the administration department of foreigners working in China where the employer is located for a Foreigner's Work Permit within 30 days from the date of entry, and work in China within the validity period of the work permit.

❷ An application for extension shall be submitted to the administration department of foreigners working in China where the employer is located 30 days before the expiration of the Foreigner's Work Permit.

❸ In case of any change in personal information (name, passport number, and position), an application for change shall be submitted to the administration department of foreigners working in China where the employer is located within 10 working days from the date the changes occur.

(1) 关注签证有效期。持签证入境,计划在中国境内工作、生活的,自入境之日起30日内根据条件换成居留许可;若需要延长签证停留期限的,应当在签证注明的停留期限届满7日前向停留地县级以上地方人民政府公安机关出入境管理部门申请,按照要求提交申请事由的相关材料。

(2) 关注居留许可有效期。居留许可期满后继续停留的,需在有效期满前30日申请延期。持有效居留许可,若更换新护照或其他居留证件登记事项发生变动的,需在10日内到公安机关出入境管理部门申请办理信息变更。

(3) 关注工作许可有效期。

❶ 外国人在中国境内工作应当取得工作许可。来华工作90日(含90日)以下的,持《外国人工作许可通知》向中国驻外使(领)馆申请Z字签证,按照签证标注的时间在华工作。来华工作90日以上的,持《外国人工作许可通知》向中国驻外使(领)馆申请Z字签证,入境后30日内向工作单位所在地外国人来华工作管理部门申领《外国人工作许可证》, 按照标注的有效期在华工作。

❷ 《外国人工作许可证》有效期届满30日前,应当向工作单位所在地外国人来华工作管理部门提出延期申请。

❸ 若个人信息(姓名、护照号、职务)等事项发生变更的,应自变更事项发生之日起10个工作日内,向工作单位所在地外国人来华工作管理部门申请变更。

Click to read the full English version of A Guide to Working and Living in China as Business Expatriates 2024>>>


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