Article 7 of the Rules for the Administration of Employment of Foreigners in China stipulates: Any foreigner seeking employment in China shall meet the following conditions.

18 years of age or older and in good health;

With professional skills and job experience required for the work of intended employment;

With no criminal record;

A clearly-defined employer;

With valid passport or other international travel document in lieu of the passport.

Article 8 of Rules for the Administration of Employment of Foreigners in China stipulates:

Foreigners who have not been issued residence certificate (i.e. holders of F, L C or G type visas), and those who are under study or interim programs in China and the families of Z Visa holders shall not work in China.

In special cases, employment may be allowed when the foreigner changes his status at the public security organs with the Employment License secured by his employer inaccordance with the clearance procedures, under these Rules foreigners changes his status at the public security organs with the Emplovment License and receives his Employment Permit and residence certificate.


Article 19 of Rules for the Administration of Employment of Foreigners in China stipulates:

The foreign employee should, within ten days after obtaining the approval for extension of his term of emplovment in China or the change of his employment location or his employer, go through formalities for the extension or change of his residence certificate at the local public security organs.

* The National Immigration Administration has also launched anew measure to simplify the residence procedures for foreignemployees of enterprises and institutions deployed in China.For detailed information, please consult the exit and entryadministration ofthe local public security organ.

After leaving office, remember to handle different procedures for job change according to your own situation!

Article 23 of the Rules for the Administration of Employment of Foreigners in China stipulates:

The employer of the foreign employee in China shall be the same as specified in his Employment License;

When the foreigner switches employers within the area designated by the Certificate Office but stays in a job of the same nature, the change must be approved by the original Certificate Office and recorded in his Employment Permit;

If the foreigner is to be employed outside the area designated by the Certificate Office or switch employer within original designated area while taking up jobs of a different nature, he must go through formalities for a new Employment License.


Article 28 of the Rules for the Administration of Employment of Foreigners in China stipulates:

For foreigner who refuse to have their Employment Permit inspected by the labour administrative authorities, change their employers and professions at will or extend their term of employment without permission, the labour administrative authorities shall withdraw their Employment Permit and recommend that their residence status be canceled by the public security organs;

In case of deportation, the costs and expenses shall be borne by the said foreigners or their employers.

Source: The Immigration Service Center of National Immigration Administration, PRC

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