China's Ministry and Foreign Affairs just released a series of measures to further elaborate how to follow the new COVID-19 policies which have almost no limits for international travels.

There are 6 items listed below.

I. Personnel coming to China shall have nucleic acid testing within 48 hours before leaving, and those with negative results can come to China without applying for a health code, and need to fill the test results in the customs health declaration card. If it is positive, the relevant personnel shall go to China after turning negative.

II. No nucleic acid testing and quarantine will be carried out by Chinese customs.

III. Cancel international flight control measures, such as seat rate, flight amount restrictions. Increase the number of flights gradually, and optimize the route distribution.

IV. Remove visa application limits from COVID-19 policies. Gradually optimize the visa application process to encourage international travels.

V. Gradually fully remove the COVID-19 limits  for all kinds of entry ports.

VI. Orderly resume outbound tourism for Chinese citizens.

from Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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